Refunds & Returns

Refund Policy

When you order your item, it is custom printed just for you! With this being said, we can only accept returns if the wrong item is received or if the item is damaged or defective. If an item is damaged or the wrong item is sent, due to manufacturer error, a replacement item will be sent at no additional charge. We would just require you to send pictures of the issues. We will always strive to make you happy so we will deal with issues such as “Lost in the Mail”, “undeliverable….etc” on a case by case basis. We ask that you verify your address including Apt Number, Zip code, etc before placing an order.
If your item is Returned to Label Thirty Eight by the carrier, we can re-ship back to the customer for an additional shipping fee once the reason for the return has been addressed. For example, If the address provided was wrong, we will need you to pay a re-shipping fee for us to ship this back out once we receive it.

Return Policy

If an item is damaged or the wrong item is sent, due to manufacturer error, a replacement item will be sent at no additional charge. We would just require you to send pictures of the issues. We may require you to either ship the item back to us in which case we will provide a return shipping label. Or we may ask you to destroy or donate the defective item.
We will always strive to make you happy so we will deal with issues such as “Lost in the Mail”, “undeliverable….etc” on a case by case basis.
If your item is Returned to Label Thirty Eight by the carrier, we can re-ship back to the customer for an additional shipping fee once the reason for the return has been addressed. For example, If the address provided was wrong, we will need you to pay a reshipping fee for us to ship this back out once we receive it. If there is a carrier error, we will re-ship the item at no additional cost to you. 
For returns, exchanges or any additional inquiries please contact us at